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Welcome to the March-a-Thon hub stop! Step into rhythm of community support as we march toward our fundraising goals!

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Marching Towards Excellence

Welcome to the heartbeat of our community - the Mount Dora Band and Color Guard. Steeped in tradition, passion, and an unwavering commitment to excellence, our band has been a cornerstone of our community for decades.


Our journey has been one of perseverance, unity, and unyielding dedication. Now, as we step onto the field of competition, we invite you to join us on the next chapter of our story.

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Roots in Community, Eyes on the Future

Our roots run deep within the fabric of our community. For years, we've marched in parades, rallied at local events, and filled venues with the sounds of our music. But now, we're setting our sights even higher. With a vision to become a competitive powerhouse, we're embarking on a new era of excellence.

Why Sponsor Us?

As we venture into the world of competitive marching, we're reaching out to our community for support and sponsorship. Here's why your partnership with us matters:


Investing in Talent

By sponsoring us, you're investing in the talented young musicians who make up our band. Your support enables us to provide top-tier instruction, equipment, and opportunities for growth.

Promoting Community Spirit

Your sponsorship isn't just about supporting a band; it's about fostering community pride. When you partner with us, you're aligning your brand with a symbol of unity and excellence in our community.

Visibility and Recognition

For our business sponsors, your brand will be prominently featured in our performances, on our website, and in our promotional materials. You'll gain valuable exposure to our dedicated fan base and beyond.


Join Our Journey!

Whether you're a local business looking to give back, a passionate individual eager to support the arts, or an organization seeking to align with our values, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Together, we can march towards excellence and make a lasting impact on our community.

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